“DON’T PUSH THE BUTTON” gives the children an opportunity to “push the button” on the pages thereby creating action in the story. It was PS17 pre-K room 121’s favorite book so far. Great book for pre-K and K students.
Mr. Bob.
There are so many!! I guess if I picked one I'd say "THE OLD WOMEN AND HER PIG" by Margaret Read MacDonald. But I also love many books with singing in them😁
Wendy S.
“SEALS ON THE BUS” by Lenny Hort is wonderful for Pre-K & 1 students. The children relate to the familiar “Wheels on the Bus” as they sing along imitating the animal sounds. It is a great fun participatory read!!
Rita B.
The ones that gave me the most comfort and sent me to the most magical places are these:. “B IS FOR BETSY” series by Carolyn Haywood. As a new English speaker and coming from a different culture it gave me “guidance” and taught me cultural standards. THE LITTLEST WITCH by Jeanne Massey, Alices Adventures in Wonderland Carroll and finally, all things Nancy Drew. I see now that there was a theme for me: young girls overcoming life events on their own!!).
Aunty Pat M.
“The Napping House” by Audrey Wood!!
Linda C..